Sunday Snaps: Books and Cats

“Books. Cats. Life is good.” ~ T.S. Eliot

Although only one presumptive case of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been announced here in Newfoundland and Labrador at the time of this posting, much of the province has already shut down out of caution.

Thankfully, I still have two of my favourite things to occupy me while I worry: books and cats!

Interestingly, Vivian seems to love books too.

On the other hand, I have no pics of Maisie hanging out with books. Perhaps she’s illiterate? Anyway, it’s all good. She often cuddles up close when I’m reading.

I’m sure T.S. Eliot would have heartily approved.

Stay safe, everyone!

Sunday Snaps: Make Room for Maisie

Hello, friends and felines!

Maisie here, wishing my sister Vivian would make room for me on our big new bed in the living room. Yes, our early Christmas present is actually a dog bed, but it’s oh-so-comfy for us cats too.

Mom thinks she’s clever, making us share it with a beanie baby named “Howlidays.” We realize it’s Christmas and all, but we would’ve preferred a baby of our own species. 

Oh well. Let me think… where shall I nap while waiting for my turn on the new bed?

Our twin beds are in the kitchen of course…

… and look what I found here. Just my size.

Ever-curious Vivian has to come along and inspect the situation.

I think you’re too big to fit, sis.

Move along. Nothing more to see here.

Thank you, sis. Now, one more thing…

Think, maybe, we can lose the mutt??

Ah… that’s much better!

Thanks, Mom… purr… zzzz…

Happy Holidays to all
and warm, cuddly wishes for the New Year!
See you in January!

Happy Thanksgiving, Fellow Canadians

This weekend, my sister and her husband came to visit and spend Thanksgiving with us. The weather was lovely on Friday and Saturday and we had a wonderful time together, as always.

Here are a few pics little sis took around the point and gave me permission to share. Thanks, Lynn.

“Hello, Auntie!”
“Turkey makes me so sleepy…”

Vivian’s View From Here: Look Who Just Turned Twelve

That’s right, peeps! My sister Maisie and I celebrated our 12th birthday on Friday.
Mom is busy with book stuff, so I thought I’d take over the blog today and share a few pics of us to commemorate the event.

Lazy Maisie Sunday
I love my scratching post
Our perpetual kitten
I love this scratching post too!
Enjoying Mom’s lap
That time when Mom forgot to put our dishes back after cleaning the floor.
That time I didn’t give my sister sufficient purchase.
Looking a little peeved here. Maybe because Mom is taking too many pics.

Thanks for visiting us and have a purr-fect week!
Head bumps and sandpaper kisses,

On the Mend

Vivian in happier times

Our dear little Vivian is recuperating from a coyote attack. At least that is our best guess, after her vet in Gander said the wounds under her tail came from four large canine teeth, too large to be another cat, weasel or mink.

There are no roaming dogs in the vicinity, but there have been plenty of coyote sightings around the shore and right here in Newtown. Needless to say, our cats will never go out in the evening or night again. After almost nine years of outdoor escapades since we moved here from the city, this is the first time anything like this has happened. Darn coyotes!

Chelsea the vet sedated her, stitched her up, and administered an antibiotic dose good for two weeks. We gave her anti-inflammatory medicine for seven days and oodles of TLC.

Her sutures come out on Wednesday, and we can’t wait. The past eleven days have been tough, mostly due to the joys of the Elizabethan collar. Vivian was depressed at first, but a few days ago she snapped back to her old silly self, chasing Maisie around the house. So funny to see Maisie run away, apparently spooked by the contraption on her sister’s head (she usually play-fights back).

Everything will work out, Vivian. We’re so grateful we didn’t lose you.

And I’m sure you have at least five or six lives left in you yet.

A little sisterly moral support from Maisie
A get well card and goodie bag from our friend Libby. Warm thanks to all for the calls and get well messages.

Sunday Snaps: “The Week of the Cat”

It’s been a rather feline week here at home.
You’re probably thinking: “Isn’t every week a feline one at your house, Jennifer?”
Well, yes, but I took more pictures!

Let’s start with Maisie last Sunday.

“You’re playing my favourite song!” 

Then there was a visit from another cat on Monday. Maisie did a double take.

“Hey! You’re not Vivian!”
“Sorry, Mom says you’re not allowed in.”

And to round out the week:

“If it fits, I sits.”
You can win all sorts of things in beer cases now.

*Thank you for the photo ops, Maisie!*

Getting back to that 70’s song:

“…She comes out of the sun
in a silk dress running

Like a watercolor in the rain
Don’t bother asking
for explanations

She’ll just tell you that she came
In the year of the cat…”

They don’t write ’em like that anymore.

How was your week?

In the Ocean of Life

“In the ocean of life, we are all ships that pass in the night.”

 adapted from a poetic metaphor by
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Kitties with a Cause – Take 2


Hello, friends! Vivian and Maisie here, back on Jennifer’s blog to reshare a wonderful list with you. We pounced on this list and shared it during a nighttime prowl on the web back in 2015, and we both thought it deserved another post before the cold weather returns.

We were animal shelter adoptees eleven years ago, so this is a cause that is naturally near and dear to our kitty-cat hearts.


Have a purr-usal and see why we think these are all worthy reasons to bring a lovely little cat like either of us – or a friendly doggie! – into your heart and home this fall.



1. Every pet adopted from a shelter, instead of purchased from a pet store or breeder, improves the pet overpopulation problem.

2. Adopting a dog or cat from a no-kill shelter can free up space for older or special needs pets that may not find new homes before the end of their natural lives.

3. There are plenty of animals to choose from at most shelters. They come in every age, shape, size, coat color and breed mix. You can find purebreds at shelters as well.

4. Compared to the cost of purchasing a pet, adopting one is relatively inexpensive. And if you get a slightly older dog or cat, there’s a good chance he is already fully vaccinated and neutered.

5. Adopting an older pet allows you to skip over the time-consuming, often frustrating puppy or kitten stage of development and takes the guesswork out of what your pet will look like as an adult – size, the thickness and color of her coat, and her basic temperament, for example.

6. Most rescues do assessments on every pet taken in, to determine things like temperament, whether the pet has any aversion to other pets or people, whether he is housebroken, has had obedience training, etc.

7. Many shelters also offer lots of new owner support and materials about training, behavior problems, nutrition, grooming and general care.

8. If you have kids, adopting a shelter animal can open their eyes to the plight of homeless pets, teach compassion and responsibility, and show them how wonderful it feels to give a home to a pet that might otherwise live in a cage or be euthanized.

9. An older adoptive pet can be the perfect companion for an older person. Many middle-aged and senior dogs and cats require less physical exertion and attention than younger animals.

10. An adopted pet can enrich your life. The unconditional love and loyalty of a dog or cat can lift depression, ease loneliness, lower blood pressure, and give you a reason to get up in the morning. A kitty asleep in your lap feels warm and comforting. A dog that loves to walk or run outdoors can be just the incentive you need to start exercising regularly.

*list adapted from source:

If this list prompts just one of you to adopt a pet, we have helped an animal in need. And if you share the list, you could help an animal too.

Think about it.

Vivian & Maisie

For local readers: All cat adoptions at Humane Services in St. John’s include microchipping, vaccinations, flea/worming treatments, Feline Leukemia and FIV testing AND spay/neuter. Visit…/animal-care-and-adop…/adoptable-pets for more info and to see all of their available pets.

Sunday Snap: Welcome

Maisie and Vivian,
our welcoming committee.

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” ~ Sigmund Freud

I love cats because I enjoy my home;
and little by little, they become its visible soul.
~ Jean Cocteau

“Books. Cats. Life is good.” ~ T.S. Eliot

Do you have any furry friends who greet you at the door?

Vivian’s View From Here: A Couple of Ten-Year-Olds

Hi there, Friends and Felines!

Vivian K. Perry here,
with just a quick note before I dash away again:

Maisie and I have super-duper cause for celebration today.

That’s right.
My sister and I are celebrating a very special birthday.

We have reached a whole decade!


And hopefully, we can stick around for another one, right?


We have to go now and get this Purry-Perry Party started,
so instead of leaving a comment,
why don’t you sing ♪ Happy Birthday ♫ to us?



Head bumps & nose kisses,
 Maisie & Vivian