Sunday Snaps: “The Week of the Cat”

It’s been a rather feline week here at home.
You’re probably thinking: “Isn’t every week a feline one at your house, Jennifer?”
Well, yes, but I took more pictures!

Let’s start with Maisie last Sunday.

“You’re playing my favourite song!” 

Then there was a visit from another cat on Monday. Maisie did a double take.

“Hey! You’re not Vivian!”
“Sorry, Mom says you’re not allowed in.”

And to round out the week:

“If it fits, I sits.”
You can win all sorts of things in beer cases now.

*Thank you for the photo ops, Maisie!*

Getting back to that 70’s song:

“…She comes out of the sun
in a silk dress running

Like a watercolor in the rain
Don’t bother asking
for explanations

She’ll just tell you that she came
In the year of the cat…”

They don’t write ’em like that anymore.

How was your week?