Celebrating Earth Day

Under blue heavens
we listen to the waves roll,
sand between our toes

This year’s theme for Earth Day is Restore Our Earth. This includes goals and actions such as reforestation, regenerative agriculture and sustainable food, plastic cleanups, climate literacy, and citizen science.

Each and every one of us can play a part in healing and preserving our environment.

My “Backyard” – Pt. 2: The Beach

As the last tranquil days of summer disappear, I am drawn to the warmth of the sandy beaches that encircle Perry’s Point.

For a few moments, I can almost forget colder days are approaching…


This stretch of sand is begging for bare feet.

“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower,
         hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.”
~ William Blake





It’s good to see that the beach birds are still around.
The sandpipers and plovers seem to be in no hurry to wing their way south for the winter.

Among the strands and clumps of kelp, there must be lots of yummy tidbits for them to eat.

Notice how some like to stand on one leg.

The different species get along fairly well, sharing nature’s bounty.


Due to global warming, many species of birds in North America are dwindling in numbers, and the numbers on protected and endangered lists are increasing.

I hope you never face extinction, my precious feathered friends.

This one appears to have something to say about it all.

I love their plump little bodies…

…and their long beaks!


Vivian doesn’t go down to the beach unless she has company…

…Good thing for the beach birds!


“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” ~ Charles Darwin

Thank you for stopping by to enjoy the beach with me, and Summer’s last hurrah. 🙂

Has Fall arrived where you live?

Sunshine, Surf and Sand

Is there anything that captures the carefree magic of summer more than spending warm days playing at the beach? When the kids came to visit this week, they happily took advantage of the many delights the seaside has to offer. 115 142 143


Our little girl made a new friend :)
Our little girl makes a new friend 🙂

Building sand castles, catching hermit crabs in their little shells – and releasing them again – jumping over frothy waves and off of sand dunes, letting their dog run free, all this and more made for a memorable summer holiday.



Nico loved his newfound freedom
Nico loves his newfound freedom

One, two, three, go!
One, two, three, go!

My beautiful girl
My beautiful girl

Nico probably had the best vacation a dog ever had. The freedom to explore the coastline, running after beach birds that couldn’t be caught, he was a joy to watch as he galloped across the sand in wide circles around us.

Playing fetch!
Playing fetch!

Our little girl played with her new friend from Ontario every chance she got, as if they had always known each other. When the time came to say goodbye, she cried, but they exchanged addresses and made plans to become pen pals until they could see each other again. 🙂

The day they left, our little boy said he wished he lived here because he didn’t have a “backyard beach” at home.

Come back for more fun any time you want, precious boy.
Come back for more fun any time you want, precious children.

Travel Theme: Play
Weekly Photo Challenge: Focus

Beach Golf, Anyone?

Disclaimer:  No wildlife was harmed during the creation of this photo shoot.

My son came for a visit here in Newtown this past week. On one of the days, I went along to take pics of him and my husband playing beach golf. This beautiful sandy beach is only a few hundred yards from our house. The weather was cool and windy, but I liked the way the photos turned out.



This is the sandbar they were aiming for.
This is the sandbar they were aiming for.

Watching the big boys play
Watching the big boys play

I love the sand ripples
I love the sand ripples



“Who’s your step-daddy?” 🙂


Another good one!
Another good one!


Our neighbour, Ben drops by to watch.
Our neighbour, Ben drops by to watch.


"Is anyone here a marine biologist?" (just kidding ;) )
“Is anyone here a marine biologist?” (just kidding 😉 )

Time to collect the balls...
Time to collect the balls…

Balls that didn't hit the sandbar are easily found because the water is shallow.
Balls that didn’t hit the sandbar are easily found because the water is shallow (and surprisingly warm!).

I love the action and the waves in this one.
I love the action and the waves in this one.

What do you like to do when you go to the beach?

Travel Theme: Oceans

June 8th was World Oceans Day. World Oceans Day has been unofficially celebrated on June 8th since 1992 when Canada proposed the idea at the Earth Summit in Rio, and was officially recognised by the United Nations in 2008. The official website is worldoceansday.org.

Here is my contribution to a weekly travel theme challenge created by wheresmybackpack.wordpress.com.  Because I live by the Atlantic Ocean here in Canada, I thought I would share some pics from last year when my daughter and her family visited, and had fun on our sandy seashores.

“looking for treasures”
“I found a starfish, Nanny!”

“Look what I found…a baby crab!”

“dancing with the waves”

To Home


Carving a life far from the crowd
Discovering passion in quietude–
As quiet as it can be beside the somersault of waves and
Wild surf
We trace the shore with careful steps, then
Kiss beneath the stars

 Like pipers we break into a run when we reach the sand
And climb the hill to home
Your windswept smile reminds me why I came, then
Later, raising a toast to your plan
Come to fruition,
I smile at our plight
Another peaceful night