Hello, World – Joey’s Here!

Hi, everyone! My name is Joey,
and I’m the newest addition to Jennifer’s extended family.

happiness is a warm kitten

Being Jennifer’s grand-kitten and knowing how much she loves all things feline, I happily agreed to visit her blog today.

Here I am getting acquainted with Ginger, my new big sister. At first she was a little standoff-ish, but she is warming up to me now. I catch her gazing at me often, like she’s trying to figure me out.

I also catch her sleeping in the little bed my human sister made for me. That’s okay though, because my favourite place to sleep is on a cuddly lap.

Here, I’m enjoying a wee cat nap at the summer-house in Lead Cove.
Such a rough life it’s going to be. . . *sigh*

Thanks for dropping by to meet me, peeps and pets.

I leave you with my favourite quote:

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”
– Leonardo da Vinci

Bye for now!

Photo credits: Jennifer took the one in the tiger-print blanket. Joey’s new mom Denise took the rest. 

A Moment With Maisie

Alright, I admit it.I am clearly the more introverted feline in this two-cat family.
Often the loner – the diametric opposite of my sister Vivian –
you will usually find me shying away from the spotlight.
Yes, I am a lap cat, and an affectionate one at that…
…but Vivian is the more “in your face” sister,
and the more photogenic one,
so naturally she gets the lion’s share of attention.
I’m the quiet and cautious girl who moves with stealth,
who wonders why Vivian is so annoyingly vocal.
And even though I might seem timid,
I’m actually more “alpha” than Viv.
I guess that’s why Jennifer says I’m the glue that holds us all together.

Do you live in a multi-cat or multi-pet household?
Do you sometimes feel overshadowed by your sibling?

Relaxing…in a Bathrobe?

Both of my cats enjoy grabbing opportunities,
wherever they may find them,
to cozy up and have a luxurious cat nap.

A carelessly dropped bathrobe has become
this morning’s perfect chance location for a purry snooze.

In this case, as in most,
Maisie is the one who finds the sudden bed,
and no sooner does she get nice and comfortable,
but Vivian happens along and surreptitiously joins her sister.

Napping Together Since We Were Babies
Napping Together Since We Were Babies 

This has been my contribution to Ailsa’s Weekly Photo Challenge – Relaxing.