
pablo (18)

…though it may be difficult to do so…

pablo (11)

pablo (13)

pablo (14)

pablo (15)


tuckamore (1)

Tuckamore are a part of Newfoundland’s natural landscape. They are the small, gnarled, and tangled evergreen trees that grow and flourish despite harsh conditions and obstacles that try to stand in their way: unforgiving adversaries like wind, rain, snow, and sleet.

A Tuckamore tree is known for its resiliency, adaptability and ability to survive under tough circumstances.


What have you survived in your life in spite of tough circumstances?

she remains

grey winds freeze her heart
an ever-withering blight
cold memories linger
of  her recreant knight

brave dreams she had reached for
often misunderstood
blinding her intention
eclipsing any good

space between, polluted
by unrecoverable words
pregnant silence the only
sound you ever heard

you hurried its demise
you cannonballed through that
exhausted, so exhausted
until it all fell flat

no words for you now
from the lips you once kissed
love undone forever
by your traitorous fist

surviving the deluge
of hot tears that hurt
she keeps wearing the scars
like a comfortable shirt

when looking back on it
her battered soul aches
the curse of good memory
is all that it takes

those sepia snapshots
that fade in bright sun
no longer vivid
by a promise undone

you couldn’t erase her
though she’s twisted and bent
like a tuckamore tree
in the wind’s harsh lament

she is living, enduring,
on the edge she remains
to quash her forever
will take more than love’s stain