Two Bees or Not Two Bees…

…that is the question.
I took this random photo the other day, but didn’t notice what I had captured until later.

At first, I thought I was seeing two bees on the arms of the chairs, but a closer look clearly shows a bee flying and casting his shadow below.

Two bees or not two bees? Nope, just the one. Please pardon the play on words, but it is Father’s Day after all, and my dad always loved a good pun or a clever turn of phrase.

Miss you always, Dad!
❤ ❤ ❤

Happy Father’s Day
to all the wonderful dads today!

Forever in my Heart

My dad in his younger days. Always missed and forever in my heart.

 “That’s my father.”  … Seemingly an innocent and offhand remark made by the youngest of his three children, those three little words meant much more to our dad. I know it made him feel proud and happy to be that father, that figure of authority and loving protector of his family.
It was a responsibility he took seriously, a role that only he could execute with his unique brand of friendship, understanding and humour…” 

~ excerpt from That’s My Father, 03/21/13

I’m thinking of relatives and friends who lost their fathers very recently.
My heart goes out to them today.

   Wishing all the wonderful dads
a Happy Father’s Day
❤ ❤ ❤

I Dream*

Always in my heart – Happy Father’s Day, Dad


*Poem originally published here on Sept. 25, 2013