I Dream*

Always in my heart – Happy Father’s Day, Dad


*Poem originally published here on Sept. 25, 2013

I Dream


I dream of childhood days we sipped
from summer’s sweet forever cup
family outings, mother’s laughter,
my “blazing daddy” raised me up

high on shoulders, pressed to neck
his promise I was tightly held
from dizzy height I could not look
yet safer I have never felt

 I hear again soft serenade
when in my bed I’m safely tucked
nocturnal ditties played by dad
the guitar’s poem my cradle rock

 as far back as my dreams can reach
his songs broke through my cloudy gloom
the ray of light, the guiding star
made right my overwhelm of doom

 then came the day, no longer there
soft place to fall had disappeared
the empty chair, the yawning ache
the absence I had always feared

 those days of summer, long since gone
mere wisps of time have flown away
yet still I hear his melodies
in echoes from my yesterdays.




Further Reading:
Daddy’s Guitar