A Rocky Isle


“She’s a rocky isle in the ocean

and she’s pounded by wind from the sea.
You might think that she’s rugged and cold
but she’s home sweet home to me.” *


*from “Song For Newfoundland”
   by Wayne Chaulk

Where is your “home sweet home”?
Please share!

23 thoughts on “A Rocky Isle

  1. Photos like yours – locations like yours – take our breath away, don’t they? They’re so much bigger than life – they remind us of how small we are, and of how magnificent Earth is.
    My Home Sweet Home now is in the Boston area, near Walden Pond where Henry David Thoreau roamed the woods (and I hike around his pond often). But, to be honest, I left my heart in San Francisco (the Bay area, where I lived for 20 years). I always hope I can return some day.

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    1. I agree, Pam. Nature scenes always have a way of putting things in perspective. Saturday night I was outside looking at the stars of our Milky Way and nothing reminds me more of how small we are!
      Both of your Home Sweet Homes are indeed beautiful. Would LOVE to visit them. ❤️

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