Free Spirit


“Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose.
Anything else is a form of slavery.”  ~  
Wayne Dyer

How do you picture freedom?

18 thoughts on “Free Spirit

  1. Freedom means having naps on my soft fluffy pillow in peace and quiet (no dogs barking, please!). Also, it’ll be purrrrfect to have lots of tuna and snacks throughout the day, carpet wall scratches and fluffy toy mice to play with when I’m bored. Cheers, Bloggy Cat ヅ


  2. Beautiful picture, Jennifer. And great question.

    The freedom that comes to my mind, at this moment, is being content with what I have and trusting that if I need more it will come as I do my best with what I’ve already have. This refers to material or immaterial stuff. I love feeling content.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


    1. Wendy, contentment is a state of being that is often underrated. I feel sorry for those who can never find it, who are always in want of something more – usually material things. Thanks for reminding me of a freedom we both share. 🙂

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  3. I LOVE this photo of you and the quote. Magnificent.
    Wonderful post as I begin to explore exactly what freedom shall mean to me.
    Watch this space over the next 12 months and I will come back with an answer. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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