Friday Bouquet #5

Happy Weekend, everyone!

Hey, who doesn’t love food? I know not everyone loves cooking, but Andrea of Cooking with a Wallflower sure does, and she does it with style. Her easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes are a delight. I have been following Andrea for some time now, loving her recipe ideas and the gorgeous food photography that goes with it. In her own words:

I know that it’s sometimes difficult to find time to cook when you’re balancing so many other things in your life, but my hope is that you will find that cooking can be fun and relatively simple. I want my readers to be able to have fun cooking as well as enjoy what they eat. After all, what’s the point of eating if you don’t like what you eat? So just because I have certain ingredients in my recipe does not mean that you can’t substitute in some of your favorite ingredients. Have fun and enjoy yourselves.”Andrea

Try these:
 Basil Chicken Quesadillas
  Strawberry Apple Crumble
Feel the “food love” today by checking out her site, and let her know Jennifer sent you.
Comments are closed here in the hope you will comment on her blog.