Sunday Snaps: And Then There Were Two

Back in March, I shared pics of the kitty suncatcher my daughter gave me, in memory of Vivian. You can check it out here: All That We Love Deeply.

One of my longtime blogger friends had mentioned I should have a suncatcher for Vivian’s sister as well:
“You need a little Maisie suncatcher so the sisters can be together again.” – Lois

Well, once more, dear daughter has surprised me with a gift. She found a kitty (the closest she could find to resemble her) to memorialize our Maisie who passed in 2020.

I’ve already shared her on Facebook and Instagram, but I thought all my blogger friends and followers should also have a look.

Aren’t they sweet?

These little mementos bring comfort—and occasional tears—and will have to suffice until we rescue one or two more cats later this year. ❤️

A Valentine from Vivian

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I know you may think
that I look kind of lazy
But not every day
I’m as fresh as a daisy

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Precious few are so perfect
to wear halos above us
So we look past the faults
of who we love and who love us

Like where did this dog toy
come from, we inquire
When there are gorgeous kitty cats
here to admire?

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But I won’t dwell on that,
just an oversight, maybe
I’ll forgive and forget
and not act like a baby

And we won’t envy Jennifer
with her life that’s just ducky
‘Cause we know of a time
when she wasn’t so lucky

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So don’t be concerned
if you haven’t seen Cupid
Don’t be down on romance
because that would be stupid

Just realize your True Love
may not be that far
And besides,
you are wonderful
just as you are!

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If you still find you’re sad
and alone on this day
Take a look at our cuteness
to chase troubles away

And please, pretty please,
know we love you like crazy
Happy Valentine kisses
from me and from Maisie. ❤

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The Daily Post Prompt:
Cupid’s Arrow – Write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!

This was my first time using the new “Copy a Post” feature on WordPress for evergreen content. Originally shared in 2015 here.

Vivian’s View From Here: Window Cats

Greetings, humans!041-800x415

Vivian K. Perry here, back for another guest blog on Jennifer’s Journal. I have new photos to share today!

We had snowy, blowy weather last night, which gave us pretty windows to look through when we woke up. As much as Maisie and I don’t like it when it gets too cold, sometimes snow can add an aesthetic appeal to our long winters.

The first pic shows some of Jennifer’s other cats.


Now on to us real kitties…

img_2419-832x1280At first, I thought I would like it outdoors today.
img_2417-1280x941I quickly changed my mind.
img_2418-1271x946Maisie seems oblivious to my discomfort. (Please disregard the high-tech reading lamp)
img_2422-1280x574I am quickly let back inside, and then…
img_2427-1066x1280…the shoe is on the other paw!
img_2432Ha! Snow on her nose 🙂

Thanks for taking a look through the window on our world.
See you next time!


How is your winter going?
Do you have snow where you live?

For the Love of a Cat

Last week, a friend of ours had to say goodbye to her 20-year-old orange tabby, Theo.

Understandably (to us, anyway), she is having a rough time over it.


Mr. Theo
June 1996 – 8 September 2016
Ever remembered, ever loved.

Just a cat, you may be thinking? Well, the truth is, to anyone who loves a cat the way they deserve to be loved, her grief is real and profound. Not only is a cat like a beloved child, but it is also a companion when you are lonely, a source of comfort when you are suffering or simply having an off day, and a wellspring of joy to anyone who appreciates animals for their natural beauty and abilities.

Our own cats, Maisie and Vivian, recently turned nine, so I guess you could say they now have about half their natural lives behind them.

“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
Jean Cocteau 

“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.”

“What greater gift than the love of a cat?”
Charles Dickens

Is there a special feline in your life?
Or are you more of a dog person?
Have you lost a beloved pet recently?

Please share in the comments below.

A Valentine from Vivian

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I know you may think
that I look kind of lazy
But not every day
I’m as fresh as a daisy

IMG_0171 (853x1280)

Precious few are so perfect
to wear halos above us
So we look past the faults
of who we love and who love us

Like where did this dog toy
come from, we inquire
When there are gorgeous kitty cats
here to admire?

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But I won’t dwell on that,
just an oversight, maybe
I’ll forgive and forget
and not act like a baby

And we won’t envy Jennifer
with her life that’s just ducky
‘Cause we know of a time
when she wasn’t so lucky

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So don’t be concerned
if you haven’t seen Cupid
Don’t be down on romance
because that would be stupid

Just realize your True Love
may not be that far
And besides,
you are wonderful
just as you are!

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If you still find you’re sad
and alone on this day
Take a look at our cuteness
to chase troubles away

And please, pretty please,
know we love you like crazy
Happy Valentine kisses
from me and from Maisie. ❤

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The Daily Post Prompt:
Cupid’s Arrow – Write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!