Flippery Friend

Turn that frown upside down, little fellow.

Seals have been paying us frequent visits around the Point this winter.

I’ve shared snaps of a recent visitor on Instagram this week, as well as a little whitecoat on an earlier Sunday Snap, but today’s pic is a favourite from the post Calm in 2016.

I’ve lost count of how many times this particular photo has been pinned on Pinterest.

Wishing you all a pleasant week, my friends!


Baby Harp Seal, aka Whitecoat

This baby seal visited us here on Perry’s Point in 2011, during our first winter in Newtown. She stayed around for a couple of days before she swam away.

Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: “Calm”

Spring is a long, drawn-out affair here on the island of Newfoundland.

No matter what the calendar says, we still have to endure the odd snowstorm and it seems to take forever to warm up.

Sleet storms are common. But the next day I take in the results with my camera…


…because when the sun comes out, everything shimmers and glows with a crust of rime.


Tufts of grass lay frozen and still.

harp seal on ice
harp seal on ice

Silence reigns today because the spring ice is in and the air is calm.
Our “flippery” friend lolls about, basking in the peace and quiet.
(And I do believe I made up a word. 😉 )

harp seal
Turn that frown upside down!

You are free, little seal. Nothing to hurt you here.

My neighbour’s lobster buoys

Just another quiet day on Perry’s Point.

Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Week 17 – Calm