Invitation to Lewisporte

Along with another local author, I was invited to do a reading at the Memorial Public Library in Lewisporte Wednesday night. It was my first time in this Newfoundland community and I had hoped to take some scenery pics there, but the weather was dull, grey and snowy so I didn’t get the opportunity.

Snow-covered road to Lewisporte after we left Gander
Introduction before Reading

Introduction before Reading

Answering questions and sharing a laugh
Answering questions and sharing a laugh
YA Fantasy author Kate Sparkes
YA Fantasy author Kate Sparkes

I have fellow WordPress blogger, Brenda, to thank for the invitation. Brenda lives in Lewisporte, and we connected a while back through her cat blog featuring Buddy. After she read Calmer Girls, she suggested the reading idea to her library, and voila!

I am so grateful for the many likeminded connections and new friends I’ve made through blogging and writing. Brenda also invited Paul and me to dinner and an overnight stay in her home. Aren’t people wonderful?

Something that struck me recently is how many wonderful women are behind the promotion of libraries, book clubs, and our community of writers and readers. Making connections with these women have enriched my life, which is another reason I’m glad I got involved in writing – and blogging too!

Does your local library host author events?
What does your community do to promote all things literary?


  1. This is the last day to enter the Goodreads Giveaway of 5 signed paperbacks of Calmer Girls. Click here to enter.
  2. If you sign up to my email list before the February newsletter is issued, you will receive a 4-page sneak peek of the Calmer Girls sequel, Calmer Secrets, being released March 21. Add yourself here.


Friday Bouquet #2

Diana Schwenk is, without question, one of the nicest bloggers I’ve met since I started here at WordPress. She is friendly and fun, loyal and positive, and puts a smile on my face every time we interact (I hope I get to meet her in person someday!).

And she happens to be a fellow Canadian from one of our biggest cities, Calgary.

In her own words:

I believe in collaboration. I believe in building community. I believe in tearing down the walls that separate us. I believe in conquering fear through love and understanding and building tolerance. I believe we all have a mission and we are equipped with the exact right talents, education, experience and passion to accomplish it…


I have put the spotlight on her post below from Canada Day because it is delightful and speaks to my love of our mutual homeland. I invite you to pay a visit to talktodiana, her wonderful blog, and don’t forget to tell her Jennifer sent you.

So…Yesterday, I Went To A Birthday Party…

Comments are closed in hopes you will comment on this blogger’s page.

A Few Words to my WordPress Family


When I got the idea to start this little blog sixteen months ago, I didn’t fully appreciate what lay in store. For those who haven’t been following my blog since the beginning, my purpose for blogging was to give me incentive to create, and to develop the stick-to-itiveness I would need to tackle the project of writing a novel.

By sharing something regularly, I anticipated Jennifer’s Journal getting some initial feedback from my family and friends, and indeed, that was how it progressed for the first few posts.

But as time went on, I gained other followers. I was thrilled! As many of you did before me, I was claiming a tiny corner in the blogosphere with my words and pictures, and you gave me the inspiration to post every week. Bit by bit, you helped my confidence grow.

What I hadn’t counted on, though, was how a number of my new followers have turned into friends. My WordPress family feels very much like a family, in the way we support one another and appreciate what we as individuals are trying to contribute as we blog. Some connections have even gone beyond our blogs. But whatever the connection, I love this community and value your support. Big Hugs to all of you. 🙂

This brings me to the subject of blog awards. I am always honoured and pleased when someone nominates me for one of these tokens of recognition, and I happily accept it in the spirit in which it is given. However, to blog about them individually can be very time-consuming and repetitious, not only for me but for my readers as well. That is why I am taking the liberty of changing the rules and doing what some others have done: combining accumulated awards in one blog post, dispensing with questions and answers, and giving a shout-out to some of my most recent new followers.

So here goes!

New (to me) Awards:  

Very Inspiring Blogger Awardveryinspiringbloggeraward

nominated by:
–   Solothefirst @ solothefirst
–   exbullet @ my secret diary

WordPress Family Award


nominated by:
–  Kelly @ free little words

 Awards I’ve Received a Second Time:

Versatile Blogger Award

nominated by:
–  Olivia Stocum @

Liebster Award                                    

–  Shaun @ praying for one day

Thank you, everyone!
Readers, I urge you to check out these wonderful blogs.

Here are some of my most recent blogger/followers. Thank you, and welcome aboard. In appreciation, I share the WordPress Family Award with each of you. Respond to it, or not, as you wish. Once again, Readers, I suggest you sample these interesting blogs for yourself.

 Kristen Mazzola

Rantings of an Amateur Chef110430_WordpressIcon

 The F Stoop

 Cristian Mihai

 Seven Hundred 50

My Nascence

 Digital Hegemon

Poetic Licensee

 Flux and Flow

Andrew Toynbee’s Very Own Blog

Related Link:
 In the Beginning: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

The Liebster Award and Sharing the Love

Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to learn my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award, by Alessia and Fabrizio, the authors of a lovely blog I’ve been recently following, Maple&Saffron.


Thank you, Alessia and Fabrizio!  I recommend for my readers to check out this wonderful cooking and travel blog, by a couple who have immigrated to Canada from a country I adore, Italy.

Here are the rules for this award:

  • When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Pass the award onto 11 other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions.
  • You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated you!
  • Make sure the blogs you choose have 200 or less followers  ( I did the best I could with this, but sorry, I might’ve cheated on some).

Okay, time to get down to business. Here are my random facts:

  1. I have the worst handwriting of anybody I know. Good thing I can type well.
  2. I am eight months younger than my husband.
  3. I have one older brother and one younger sister. And you know what they say about the middle child.
  4. Being in nature calms my spirit.
  5. I have a cat figurine collection.
  6. There is a sandy beach 25 yards from our front door.
  7. I like a good joke and a thoughtful quote, some of the reasons I still use Facebook.
  8. I feel more comfortable in small groups, or just one on one conversation.
  9. I can’t imagine a life without pets.
  10. I worked in a bank for about 15 years.
  11. I consider my daughter and my son my most significant contributions to this world.

Maple&Saffron ask:

  1. If you were to leave for a trip in 5 minutes, what are the 3 things you’d take with you?  An easy one, if we are talking living things and a long trip: my husband and our two cats. If not, my iPad, straightening iron, and camera.
  2. What instrument have you ever wanted to learn to play?  The piano. The guitar is a close second (tried three times but never stuck with it ).
  3. Which recipe do you really love cooking?  Not exactly a single recipe, but a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
  4. What’s your favourite song when you’re travelling?  Hmm..only one? That’s hard. Life Is A Highway? 🙂
  5. You’ve just landed in Italy: what’s the first dish you wish to taste?  Any kind of pasta! Or maybe margherita pizza..
  6. Mountains, hilltops or beaches: where would you go on vacation?  Anywhere is fine with me if the weather is nice, and it’s not too crowded
  7. What’s the best thing about your country?  Lots of open spaces and open minds
  8. How do you like spending your day off?  Getting outdoors for a walk or a hike, or sitting on our deck in the summer
  9. What’s your favourite world cuisine?   Italian
  10. If you could only save one of your books, which one would you choose? One of my poetry anthologies
  11. What role/part would you like to play in a movie?  Another tough one, but I went with Ripley in Alien. 

Here are my nominations, lovely blogs on some of my favourite topics. For those of you nominated who don’t do awards or don’t have time to participate, please know that I understand. For those who do, thank you for participating. Your questions to answer are after the nominations list.

Nature is my Therapy

One More Day


Welcome to my Mind, Pull up a Chair

Kurt Rees poetry

bliss in images 


Cauldrons and Cupcakes

Almost Spring



  1.   What is your favourite book genre to read?
  2.   How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
  3.    Name your favourite meal.
  4.   If you could go anywhere in the world on your next vacation, where would you go?
  5.   What is your most prized possession?
  6.    What is your favourite way to relax?
  7.   If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  8.    Which do you prefer: music, TV, or theatre?
  9.   What movie did you see in the past year that you liked?
  10.  Who is the most important person in your life?
  11.  What are you most passionate about in life?