Sad News


On Thursday of last week, we had to say goodbye to our little Maisie. She’d been ill for several months, had stopped responding to her meds, and we knew there was nothing else we could do. We couldn’t let our baby suffer anymore.

Needless to say, we are heartbroken. Vivian misses her too. She roams from room to room — and outdoors — looking for her sister and lifelong companion.

We console ourselves by remembering Maisie had a full and beautiful life. No cat, ever, was more loved. She always had Viv to watch over her and keep her company whenever we were away. She reveled in the freedom to explore the outdoors here on Perry’s Point, but preferred to stay close to us when we sat out on our deck.

Maisie, you were much more than a pet to us. You graced us with heaps of generous love and affection and your sweet, unique brand of friendship for almost thirteen years. And your quiet dignity, even in sickness, will never be forgotten. You are pain-free at last.

Sleep well, dear angel.

67 thoughts on “Sad News

    1. Hi, Lois. I’m relieved to say that Vivian is coming around slowly but surely. She’s a little more needy around us, but then she always was to a certain extent. I’m hoping she will live a much longer life than Maisie because I need her right back! Like Viv, Paul and I are slowly getting used to the idea of a one-cat household.
      Thanks for checking up on us. Hugs. 🙂 ❤


    1. Thank you, Pam, I appreciate your condolence. As it’s only been less than a week, the grief is still very fresh. She was such a quiet, affectionate little thing. We miss her terribly, as does Vivian. I hope her broken heart mends soon. ❤️

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  1. This is indeed sad news to read this morning. I am so very sorry, Jennifer, for your loss. Dear Maisie will be forever in your heart. You gave her the greatest gift – total and complete love throughout her life and in her last moments, peace. We owe a debt of gratitude to our four-legged friends who share our journey, give us laughter and soothe our pain. Many hugs coming your way.

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  2. We are so sorry to read of Maisie’s going/ We send purrayers and POTP to her human family and especially her dear sister Vivian. She certainly knew love !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Kate. If anyone knows how I’m feeling, it must be you. Vivian seems lost and her cries are mournful. I wish we could explain to her what happened. Hopefully in time she will accept the loss, but if she doesn’t I’ll be tempted to get her a kitten. ❤

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  3. I’m so sorry to read this sad news about Maisie. It’s always so hard and painful to let go one of your beloved pets. I hope you can find some comfort in the memories of the beautiful life she shared with you. Thinking of you, Jennifer.

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  4. Awww….I’m so sorry for your loss, Jennifer. RIP, sweet Maisie! Sending you and Vivian bear hugs, ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃
    ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃

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  5. Oh Jennifer, I am so so sorry for your loss of precious maisie. It breaks my heart. Lots of hugs to you, Paul and Vivian ❤️❤️

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  6. I’m so sorry to hear this, Jennifer. What a wonderful life she had with you. I don’t know if you follow Kate Crimmin’s blog, but she also lost her cat, Mollie, last week. Perhaps Maisie and Mollie have made friends.

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  7. My deepest condolences, Jennifer. It’s so hard losing a beloved pet. We lost our silly, wonderful doggy a couple of years ago and I still look for him, still think of him, still miss him.

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