Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: “Calm”

Spring is a long, drawn-out affair here on the island of Newfoundland.

No matter what the calendar says, we still have to endure the odd snowstorm and it seems to take forever to warm up.

Sleet storms are common. But the next day I take in the results with my camera…


…because when the sun comes out, everything shimmers and glows with a crust of rime.


Tufts of grass lay frozen and still.

harp seal on ice
harp seal on ice

Silence reigns today because the spring ice is in and the air is calm.
Our “flippery” friend lolls about, basking in the peace and quiet.
(And I do believe I made up a word. 😉 )

harp seal
Turn that frown upside down!

You are free, little seal. Nothing to hurt you here.

My neighbour’s lobster buoys

Just another quiet day on Perry’s Point.

Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Week 17 – Calm

58 thoughts on “Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: “Calm”

  1. Oh Jennifer, these photos are so stark and at the same time so very beautiful. It is so hard for me to imagine an environment like this. I’m afraid I grew up in the heat of the Mojave Desert and have always craved the hot sun on my back. The little seal is adorable. Are you familiar with the ‘legend’ of the Selkies? Léa

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    1. Hi Lea! I was only thinking a few days ago about how I’ve never been anywhere like that, where it is almost always hot and dry. Hot and humid yes, but not dry. Would love to visit Arizona someday.
      I am not familiar with that legend although the word Selkies sounds somewhat familiar. Care to fill me in?

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      1. Hi Jennifer, would you believe I never owned a coat until my mid-twenties when my ex-husband decided we would move to New York City? In December no less… I’m afraid Arizona is not for me. However, I did spend some time there when I was very young as my grandparents stayed there for a few years until my grandfather died. My grandmother hated it so much she got on the plane that day and never went back.

        The Selkie comes from Celtic legend and is called The Secret of Roan Inish. My children loved it when there were young and my daughter still has a fondness for it. I tell them that I am a selkie and those who know my love for the sea believe it! 😉 There is information on the Selkie online if you care to google it. I’ve been in the cold but it just doesn’t work for me.

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          1. It is an extremely conservative state and they have their own set of rules as do a number of the other southern states. When I was a child I was able to see some of the old Indian ruins which fascinated me but other than that, I would pass. New Mexico has some of the most gorgeous mountains in amazing colours. I’ve driven through there several times and was there for work. What would be fun is to fly over it in a hot air balloon and then move on. That is just my opinion so do what you like. For me the top two cities in the states are 1. San Francisco, I’ve spent a lot of time there. 2. Seattle, I have family there so been there many times. Enjoy reading about me (Selkies). 😉


            1. I didn’t know that about Arizona; thanks for the heads up! I think I will pass too. Perhaps New Mexico would be better. I’ve always wanted to go to San Fran. I’ve heard so many good things about it, not the least that it resembles my hometown of St. John’s, NL for its old style architecture — but it is so much WARMER! 🙂

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              1. It has been a long time since I was there, things could have improved but that is not what I hear. New Mexico at least has the mountains which are the most amazing colours especially against a bright blue sky. Have you ever thought of coming to France? That is a place I can whole heartedly recommend! 🙂

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  2. Amazing photos Jennifer. Might I say I have received my copy of your book and have not had time to sit down and start reading. But took a sneak peak at the first page and I know I am going to enjoy your novel and writing style. So excited for you.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Last night I started reading and could not put it down Jennifer you truly have your own unique style. Im not one to read love interest type novels. But Im really enjoying this story. Congratulations I will definitely get the next one when its out. Once I have read it I will give you a review on Amazon and Goodreads too. So excited for you.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, Fab blog! I have just set up mine, but still in the very early stages! Just making efforts to link in with fellow bloggers to improve our followers and get the word out there for us both. I would appreciate you having a peek at my blog, as I have just published my first post. Feel free to like, comment, follow or just take a peek. Thank you 🙂

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  4. Jennifer, these photos are beautiful! I loved the frozen grass, but then that little seal……awwww! I love where you live and so look forward to the glimpses of your neck of the woods!

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  5. Hi, Jennifer, what delightful photos you have shared with us for my weekly photo challenge. Thank you so much for participating. You certainly live in a beautiful part of the world. I hope the warmth of Spring arrives with you soon because I’m looking forward to seeing what Perry’s Point looks like during all four seasons.

    Best wishes,

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  6. Oh my gosh, Jennifer. You were that close to that seal? Amazing! Your photos are breathtaking! I think I could wait a little while longer for spring as well, with that kind of beauty around me. 🙂

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    1. Hi, Kelly! Thank you. Not at all unusual to see seals around here, especially this time of year. I think they like to take naps on the ice pans between long swims looking for food. There is always something special to find in nature, isn’t it? 🙂

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          1. We had a spring snowstorm on April 7 just a couple of years ago, so I guess anything is possible here as well! In fact, snow is predicted this weekend in the northeastern US. But I can’t complain, because it was such a mild winter. 🙂

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