Calm Before the Storm

When you get a beautiful sunny day around here in the middle of February, it’s almost impossible to resist the urge to get outside and enjoy it. And especially so, when the forecast is telling you that it is the calm before yet another winter storm.

Yes, the winds are going to whip up again tonight, and we’ll have to be content with more cocooning. But yesterday my husband and I enjoyed a walk on the branch road, on perhaps the most brilliant winter day we’ve had this year.

Here is a sampling of some photos from our walk.

View from our back deck
Lots of ice in the Tickle
View of Perry’s Point from the branch road
That’s our house (light one with the matching shed)



His nibs (just kidding 😉 )
Some of the sparse evergreens in our immediate area


Another little “droke”
021 (2)
Back on the Point


Plenty of “batty catters” (Newfoundland term for ice and snow formed on shoreline rocks)
l love the calm of the blue sky and ocean

How about where you live? Are you enjoying your February weather?

43 thoughts on “Calm Before the Storm

  1. Some amazing pictures there.
    I have a Swedish Friend here in Edinburgh, he thinks its warm all the time.
    Looking at these pictures I can see why, lol

    Also my HERO Henrik Larsson (Helsingborg) is from your land. (Soccer Player)
    He played for the team I support, Celtic. I always wondered why he wore a short sleeved shirt whilst playing.
    If this is the weather he is used to, lol



    1. Hi Shaun, thanks for visiting and liking my photography. 🙂 Apparently, though, you think I live in Sweden, but this is Newfoundland, Canada. I think perhaps you read one of my commenters who is from Sweden? But yes, it is cold here for a lot of the year. Officially, spring starts this month but it won’t be very warm til May or even June.


      1. >>Stupid Person<<< 🙂
        You must have read my post thinking "What is this man on!" lol
        The pictures were something else.
        I seen Sweden, one of your pictures looked like a place in Sweden,and, well, the rest is history. lol

        I think our seasons are close, our Summer is around June. But it is Scotland, we use the word Summer "sparingly" lol, 2 warm days is a FANTABULOUS summer here lol

        Sorry for the Sweden thing 😛

        Shaun x


        1. Ha ha, no you are not a stupid person, Shaun, and no need for an apology. With all the people we chat with in the blogosphere, we are bound to make a few missteps. 🙂

          Someday I would love to visit Scotland along with other parts of Great Britain. Who knows? It’s on my wish list!
          Jennifer x


          1. Come to Edinburgh, take your family on the Edinburgh Ghost tours!!
            But record them so I can laugh later 🙂

            lol, only messing.
            The UK is a nice place, you just need to know, like anywhere I guess, the good places to go. If you ever are coming here, I can tell you the popular areas to go to in the UK..
            I am afraid to fly on planes, so pictures I like lol …x


  2. Some very beautiful photos you have taken, They are a joy to view.

    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.


  3. Greetings from Ontario. I loved your Newfie talk 😉 … down in the tickle – translate? Would that be an inlet? I loved the shot of the point. Newfoundland is on our list, we really have to get to the rock. Just stay where you are and I’ll come where you’re at. 🙂


    1. Hello there, Lynne from Ontario. The Newfoundland definition of tickle is a narrow salt water strait between two land masses, usually tricky to navigate because of shallow areas, etc. Ferries cross a tickle when they travel from mainland to island, and so on. Ticklish to cross, maybe? lol

      By all means you should visit the Rock; mainlanders welcome. I advise summertime. Thank you so much for your comments! 🙂


    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. As the saying goes, we must “make hay when the sun shines”. I guess you’re getting plenty of that in your part of the world. As pretty as winter may look in my photos, I still am so looking forward to spring. 🙂


  4. Lovely to see pictures of “home”! I grew up in St. John’s as a toddler, returning to nearby Clarenville almost every summer for a decade. I go back to the rock every chance I get. It’s beautiful anytime, any place, any season. Gorgeous pictures!


    1. Hi Brent Gladney, thank you for taking the time to comment. 🙂 So you were once a St. John’s townie like myself! What a small world we live in.
      You won’t get any argument from me about the beauty that is in this province, and how easy it is to capture some pretty spectacular scenery, even with my itty bitty camera. Thank you for liking my photos. 🙂



  5. Beautiful pictures! I live in Boston and it’s kind of ugly around here now with all the snow being pushed into ugly brown piles and whatnot. And windy too! But we are still getting out there and walking around, and today was sunny here, too, so that was nice at least.


    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I know what you mean; when I lived in St. John’s I got sick of seeing heaps of dirty snow blocking up the sidewalks and even dumped on our lawn during snow-clearing.

      I live for the sunny days during the winter. They make it all worthwhile. Thank you for your comment from Boston! 🙂


    1. Good morning, Wendy. The storm was rough but it didn’t last long; the sun is shining again today.

      Indeed, we are literally on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. So of course that means it can go from exceedingly beautiful to downright wild in a matter of hours. But I guess you could say that a true nature lover would appreciate the wild times too. Thank you so much for your comments.

      Jennifer x


    1. Thank you. We really do have a terrific view here on the point. But I imagine you have some excellent views of your own, living so near the mountains! You live in a beautiful region. Any photos on your blog?
      Thanks so much for your comments. 🙂


      1. Hi – I see you found some of the photos. Yes, this area is beautiful, too. Come to think of it, everywhere I’ve ever lived is beautiful, when it is more natural than man-made … and even city-scapes have their art! It’s just a matter of seeing what is really there, not taking it for granted. I see you doing that in your photos. A camera is a great way to study nature.


  6. Thank you very much! 🙂 Your photos are really beautiful, now I miss Italy even more! 🙂 I come from a beautiful region in Central Italy called Abruzzo. Maybe I’ll see you when I come visit…or in one of our tours to Italy, we’d be glad to have people that love exploring! You’d be amazed by the stunning landscapes we have in our region! 🙂


    1. That’s sweet of you. OMG, we so enjoyed Italy; it is such a beautiful country. I remember the name Abruzzo on road signs when we were touring around Tuscany, I think. And I have no doubt it is stunning there as well.

      Thanks for your comments, and I hope to hear from you again soon.



    1. Really, you moved from Italy! So very nice to meet you too. Let me welcome you to our country. 🙂

      Yes, we are on the east coast; you should visit sometime and see it for yourselves. And if you miss Italy, you might want to check out my photos from our trip there in 2011. Just type Italy in my search engine below.

      Thanks, Alessia!


  7. Great photos Jennifer. I’m almost missing The Point (you know what I mean…..not the point of your photos…Perrys’ Point). Keep them coming. The only time I really see Newtown and the area in the winter is by means of your photos and the ones that Winse sends. Thanks.


  8. These pictures are breathtaking. I live in Sweden so we too have our fair share of snow and cold weather. However, I don’t live by the ocean so we don’t get these kinds of views… This is Newfoundland, ya? How many people live there?


    1. Hello to you, all the way from Sweden! Thank you for your comment.

      Our little community has only about two hundred people, but our province of Newfoundland (here in Canada) has a population of approximately 500,000.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


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