Spring Trip Memories: 2019

Since we’ve been enduring day after day of rain, drizzle and fog here in Newfoundland—along with a touch of the white stuff yesterday—I thought it was high time to drag out photos from our last vacation off the island. Hard to believe it’s been almost two years since we flew to sunny Cuba for a week. 

The weather was particularly hot and humid this time, but we found ways to keep cool with the help of pools, shady spots, a la carte dining, and lots of cold drinks.

This cloud looked like a curtain being drawn over the resort. The inevitable shower was short, sweet, and refreshing.

The bus arrives for an afternoon excursion to the town of Varadero.

And no trip to Varadero would be complete without an al fresco meal at our favourite “restaurante.”
(Photos from a previous visit in the link below)

Who knows if we will ever see the Caribbean again?
At least we have the Memories!

More from Cuba: A Spanish Purr Sounds Just as Sweet