Vivian’s View From Here: October Bliss

Greetings, peeps and pets!

Vivian here, covering for Jennifer today while she rests her back from berry-picking this weekend. She loves this time of year when the partridgeberries are ripe, and when they grow on your own land, it is oh-so-convenient to pick them to your heart’s content.

But what does October mean to me? Sure, I like roaming around the bushes on the point, helping to gather berries—although Jennifer says all I basically do is get in the way with my head bunts and demand to be petted—and I enjoy the fact that when I go outside I don’t have to sit in the shade to keep cool anymore.

But what I dearly love to do in our garden is roll around in my happy place: a mysterious patch of something that grows among the grass, moss and lichen in one particular spot. It seems to have the same heady effect on me as catnip!

Check out Maisie and me below, enjoying our special spot. She blends in better than I do!   This pic was taken a few years back. We can’t help but think of my sister fondly whenever I go out there.

I still miss Maisie,
but when the sun is shining,
the wind is light, and my peeps
are out and about with me,
I’m in a state of bliss.

October bliss!

“In the entire circle of the year there are no days
so delightful as those of a fine October.”
~ Alexander Smith

Photo Challenge: October