Sunday Snaps: the Old and the New

Most communities exist in a balance of the old and the new. Newtown, like every Newfoundland community, is no exception.

Friday was a bright and beautiful day, giving me the perfect opportunity to capture the contrasts.

First, the old:

This is the front view of a century-old fishing stage. If you think it looks ready to topple over in this photo, take a look at the side view:

I’ve shared this little shed on my blog before. It’s still hanging on to that rock for dear life!

A decrepit fishing boat reminds me of a beached whale.

Now for something new—a pretty spot to sit and enjoy the seascape:

A miniature lighthouse makes a picturesque addition.

Check out the new bird blind, a part of our wetland wildlife habitat:

A bird-watcher’s delight

Inside the blind

“There is magic in the old and magic in the new: the trick is to successfully combine the two.” ~ A. D. Posey

Thanks for tagging along!

33 thoughts on “Sunday Snaps: the Old and the New

  1. Hi Jennifer – I like that old shed – I see that there are still items in the windowsill. What a great little bench, too. How clever to make it look like a picture frame. Looks like it was a beautiful day to take pictures 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a splendid day for photography, Barbara. While others were putting up Christmas trees or putting lights on their houses, I didn’t want to go home, because days with weather like that in December are few and far between.

      That said, I suppose a little sprinkle of snow would be nice around the 25th. 🙂

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  2. Jennifer, a glorious post celebrating the old and new! I’m captivated by broken buildings, especially wooden ones and just imagine all their stories, lives lived within them. You capture them wonderfully. The ‘beached whale’ boat looks forlorn and abandoned. Wow! What wonderful imaginative new builds within your community. The seat has me smiling, great symmetry and the modern bird hide has the most stunning views framed to perfection! Ahhh … a magical start to my day as I leave the cold, grey, foggy damp behind me and tag along on your explorative walk!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Annika, it does my heart good to read how much you enjoyed my walk, albeit virtually. I’m with you on the broken buildings; they have a magical presence all their own, wrapped in memories of the past and intertwined with the love for the men and women who had once lived and worked there.

      I look out my window this morning and it’s grey and foggy here as well. Stay safe and enjoy your week! ❤

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  3. We build our our lives within houses and meeting places. The stories of the past are ever present, mingling with our own, waiting for the next generation to join us. Brilliant photography, Jennifer.

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    1. I believe it does like it. It reminds me of another quote I found: “The actual building was old and dilapidated and remained standing more out of habit than from any inherent structural integrity.” – Douglas Adams. 🙂

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