Friday Bouquet #17

I’m shaking things up for Friday Bouquet this morning. Usually I award it to a fellow blogger found doing something wonderful in the blogosphere, but this time I am throwing the bouquet to my sister and the therapy dog program.

Lynn is an assistant professor and nursing instructor at the Memorial School of Nursing in St. John’s, but her contribution to health care and humankind hasn’t stopped there. Please click on the link below – wouldn’t you know it, a WordPress blog by Eastern Health Story Line – to find out what she and her little dog Abbey have been up to, and be sure to look for their photos. All of my animal lover friends are sure to enjoy it. 🙂

Have you had any experience with canine therapy?
What about the health benefits of spending time with other animals?

Here are two other sisters wishing you a warm and wonderful weekend. ❤

Maisie & Vivian
Maisie & Vivian

10 thoughts on “Friday Bouquet #17

  1. Jennifer, I am grinning from ear to ear. We also have dogs go to libraries in town to encourage kids to read. Dogs are the absolute best! No offense Maisie and Vivian! **I just said that so your mom can tell that to her sister** 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is wonderful. Animals bring such joy to hospital patients. They’re used in our local children’s hospital as well. Kudos to your sister for putting something like this together.


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