Sunday Snap: Comfort

“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”
~ Albert Schweitzer

I know there are other means of refuge, Mr. Schweitzer, but those two are major sources of comfort for me.

Feeling sad and fearful today. My heart breaks for the victims of two more mass shootings over the weekend.

Where is the comfort and refuge for the loved ones left to grieve? How many more innocent people have to die from senseless gun violence before changes are made?

24 thoughts on “Sunday Snap: Comfort

  1. As my two divas dream, curled up on the sofa behind me and their brother rests on the small sofa in the “kitty room” (the whole house belongs to them and they kindly allow me to remain on staff), thoughts run to the words we use. The French for a pet is, animal de compagnie. However, our friends do much more than keep us company and in the wake of all the hate and violence, I couldn’t get through the day without them.

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    1. Oh Lea, how perfectly expressed! I’m glad my post prompted such a beautiful reply. I can’t imagine a life without my kitties either. And when heartache strikes, they are always there with their comforting brand of love and affection. ❤️

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    1. Thanks, Connie. It’s horrific is what it is.
      Speaking of pain, how are YOU? When I read about your spinal fusion surgery, I was shocked. I had no idea you were going through that, and I hope you’re coming along well. Will this limit your future mobility?


      1. Hopefully, it will INCREASE my future mobility. Otherwise, I would never have had such major surgery. Thanks very much for your warm wishes.

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