Friday Bouquet #6

Misifusa’s Blog

With the spotlight on ALS this past week, I am reminded of how often we take for granted the wonder of our bodies and all they do for us.

Can you imagine what it would be like to lose all of those abilities?

Misifusa’s Blog: The Presents of Presence shares the gift of living a positive life in spite of adversity. And who among us hasn’t had challenges at one time or another? Yvonne is a breast cancer survivor who celebrates all that is praiseworthy in the world, and she has been an inspiration to me and many others.

In her own words:

Don’t berate your body for being overweight, not good enough or any other negative thought you may have about it.  Just breathe in and be with your essence of your body.  Hug your body like you would a sweet child who needs comforting.” 

I am highlighting the following post, because in spite of being at odds with our own physical afflictions, there is still so much to be grateful for.

Visit the link below, and don’t forget to tell her Jennifer sent you. 🙂

Love Your Body

by The Presents of Presence

Comments are closed here in the hope you will leave a comment on her blog.