My First “Friday Bouquet”

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Isn’t she beautiful?

This is a drawing of my cat, Vivian. My blogger friend, Kath Unsworth, of Minuscule Moments, put my name in for a chance to win a pet portrait last month, and I won! She drew Vivian with soft colour pencils and mailed it to me all the way from the Land Down Under.

Kath writes and illustrates children’s picture books. She lives on a dairy farm in Australia with her husband and family. I find her artwork dreamy and magical, perfect qualities for a child’s eyes, or anyone’s, for that matter.

Check out these other selections from her blog.









This marks the beginning of a new category on my blog I call Friday Bouquet. I am excited and look forward to this new adventure. Most Fridays, I will toss a bouquet to deserving bloggers who have caught my attention doing something worthwhile and positive in the blogosphere, and in their lives.

This is not a new idea, as I follow a blogger or two who pay it forward like this (you know who you are 😉 ), and just as they do, I am disabling comments here, in hopes you will visit the blog I spotlight and comment there. Simply click on the link below for a visit and tell her I sent you. Thank you again, Kath! xo

 The Artist in Me by Minuscule Moments