Sunday Snaps*: Waiting

No matter what may be going on in my life, this time of year has often prevailed as an inherent waiting period and a turning inward. Loving summer and early fall on this beautiful island as much as I do, a huge part of me goes into a hibernation of sorts during the winter months. I look at it as a time to research and gather data, outline or finish new work, read (a lot), and reflect on life while enjoying home and hearth.

Enter 2020! When I wrote this post back in April, we had no idea the coronavirus would still be such a dire issue all these months later. The number of cases continue to rise, even here, in its second wave. Introversion aside—which can make social-distancing more tolerable—just like you, I’m getting tired of the rules, the separations, the lack of normalcy, and yes, the masks. That said, I will continue to toe the line as long as necessary and do my part to try and keep the numbers under control.

This fall has brought something new: my completion of an online course called Indigenous Canada through Coursera, an online education provider. This in turn has inspired a photography course in January. Lifelong learning is turning out to be a blessing in these uncertain times.

And as I wait out the virus—or wait for the expected vaccine to become available—here’s a more recent bright spot: there has been interest shown in my latest manuscript, which you may remember I’ve submitted to a number of publishers. Yay! Hoping for a positive outcome, but of course, that requires even more waiting.

How are you riding out the pandemic? Is it business as usual for you as you work from home, or in health care, or in other essential employment? Are you a retiree, a homemaker, or a homeschooler? Have you taken up any new activities or hobbies to keep you sane? Or has your work, social and/or family life been upended since this began? What do you miss the most?

What are you waiting for?

*Photos taken this past summer on Cape Island beach

38 thoughts on “Sunday Snaps*: Waiting

  1. Your photos are AMAZING! I love to take photos, but don’t have the patience to use a really good camera, so mine are quick cell-phone shots. Glad you’re okay – being kind, being safe, waiting it out. But what a great wait-out as you test the (publishing) waters with your ms. Good luck! Me? I’ve been extremely busy teaching my creative writing classes on-line – those waiting it out quietly behind closed doors suddenly want to explore their creativity. Hooray! And I’m working on an anthology of my flash stories – that’s my major goal as soon as the holidays are over. Take care and keep us updated. xo

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    1. Thanks for the good luck wishes, Pam, and thanks for liking my photos! I took these with my phone, but as I always say, when the scenery is great, the photos have to be great, right?
      It sounds like you’re keeping very busy, which is a good thing, particularly these days. Wishing you the best with your anthology. Your flash stories are wonderful, so I’m sure it will be well-received. xo 🙂

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  2. Jennifer, how exciting about the interest in your MS and fingers crossed! 🤞 I look forward to hearing more later!

    The course sounds fascinating and well organised. I bet you’re looking forward to the photography course as well although yours are always stunning. The light shines brilliantly here, the blues hypnotic! Can I be slightly envious of your amazing natural surroundings?! 😉😀

    In Spring I started a linguaphone Portuguese Course and that is going very well … I hope to visit the country next year and try out my new learned skills! Also I enjoyed Julia Cameron’s An Artist’s Way, found it absorbing and rewarding! Meanwhile my writing continues but not quite sure where it will lead.

    We are all having to relearn our ways of lives, at the same time learning more about ourselves. I miss spontaneity most of all … being unable to fulfill the sudden desire “shall we … go to friends, cinema, restaurant, holiday…”

    Take care, my friend. Hugs xx

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    1. Well, look at you going all multilingual—that’s spending your time productively, for sure! I hope you do get to visit Portugal next year. It sounds heavenly. I’ve been meaning to read The Artist’s Way for some time, and you’ve given me a great reason to move it up on the TBR list. 🙂

      Thanks for your kind comments and crossed fingers. How ever the publishing takes place, when your MS sparks interest, it gives you a confidence boost that you must have done something right.

      I miss spontaneity too. But we’ll weather through this time with connections like these, though virtual they must be. Hugs back. xx

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    1. I found that this particular course, through them and the University of Alberta, worked well for me. Watching lectures, studying notes, taking the quizzes, watching the Zoom meetings with the professors at the end of each module, it all worked and I learned far more than I’d expected. I have no experience with other online course platforms to compare it with, mind you.


  3. Hi Jennifer – I really like these photos. Their perspectives are so interesting! Did you apply some new techniques from your course? All is well here, but also tired of pandemic restrictions because even though a vaccine is on the way, I feel like we’ve made no progress since March. Things are tightening here as cases rise and like you, I’m tired of wearing masks. But we just have to hang in there and hope for a more normal 2021 (I’m thinking the second half). Take care. 🙂

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    1. I’m glad you like the photos, Barbara. I haven’t learned anything new yet, as my photography course of study won’t begin until January.
      I think you may be right about no real relief until at least the middle of next year, though it would be great if it happened sooner. Patience is a virtue these days like no other, hey? Have a good week! xx

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      1. Hi Jennifer – I can’t believe I’m just getting back to my blog after a week of doing so many other things. For some reason I thought your photography course was earlier this year. It sounds like a great idea – learning something new during these times. I hope you are doing well. We had a brief dusting of snow a few mornings ago, but it melted soon after. Hope you have a great week. 🙂

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        1. No worries, Barbara. I did think I would get to the course sooner, but the Indigenous Canada course and life in general got in the way, so January it is. You’re learning too, the block editor for example! Something else I need to get familiar with . 🙂
          You have a wonderful week too.

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  4. “Hanging in there” has become part of my job description. And part of everyone’s job description. Like you, I can write while staying safe. Like you, staying home and not being able to gather with family and friends is getting old. But I will continue to hang in there. Fingers crossed that vaccines are not far off and that your manuscript will be greenlighted for publication!

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  5. Beautiful capture Jennifer! 👏💚💕Believe it or not, I too am expecting to hear from a publisher about my second manuscript! But Here’s what I am learning. There is actually no such thing as waiting…’it is either here or it is not ha! So here’s to our good news arriving. I wish you all the best.🙏🏻🌈💚

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    1. That’s exciting news, Karen! I hope you hear even greater news in the near future. Be sure to keep us posted. 😊 I know our time is better spent than just waiting around, but thank you for making the wait a little easier! xx

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    1. The inability to travel is a major bummer for many. And keeping engaged socially will be more of a challenge over the coming cold months, for sure. There’s only so much cocooning you can do before you’re dying to bust out! lol
      Thanks so much for the well wishes! xx

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  6. Your photos are always spectacular, Jennifer. All is well on our side of Canada. We have increased restrictions as events continue to unfold. As you said so well, we are following the protocols that have been introduced. Dr Bonnie Henry, BC Chief Medical Officer for BC has a wonderful mantra: “Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe.” Thank you for a fabulous start to my week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those photos had been sitting on my phone for too long, Rebecca. 🙂
      I’m happy to hear you and yours are doing fine in spite of the restrictions, and I love that mantra! Our own CMO, Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, is doing a great job too, all things considered. Thanks so much, and have a lovely Sunday. xx

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