Blog Tour: Against All Odds by Jacqui Murray

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Today I’m happy to host Jacqui Murray, a fellow blogger and prolific author as she launches Against All Odds, Book 3 in the Crossroads series. I’ve read most of her work and hold a special fascination for her prehistoric thrillers. Here’s the summary for her newest book:

A million years of evolution made Xhosa tough but was it enough? She and her People finally reach their destination—a glorious land of tall grasses, few predators, and an abundance that seems limitless, but an enemy greater than any they have met so far threatens to end their dreams. If Xhosa can’t stop this one, she and her People must again flee.

The Crossroads trilogy is set 850,000 years ago, a time in prehistory when man populated most of Eurasia. He was a violent species, fully capable of addressing the many hardships that threatened his survival except for one: future man, a smarter version of himself, one destined to obliterate all those who came before.

From prehistoric fiction author Jacqui Murray comes the unforgettable saga of a courageous woman who questions assumptions, searches for truth, and does what she must despite daunting opposition. Read the final chapter of her search for freedom, safety, and a new home. A perfect book for fans of Jean Auel and the Gears!

I had the pleasure of asking Jacqui a few questions about her latest novel:

You made up the bird language—right?

Wrong. Imitating bird song to communicate over difficult-to-traverse expanses has been used throughout the world by different cultures. If you’re curious, try this link:

 Could early man really run down their prey?

That answer is a resounding Yes. Scientists call this the “Endurance Running Hypothesis”. Early Man didn’t run faster than herd animals. They ran harder—all day or more. The Homo genus evolved a more stable head, looser hips, longer legs, shock-absorbing joints, and a springier foot formation. This made them—and us—well-suited to continuous running. Other changes in body makeup meant humans didn’t tire or overheat from this activity. Most animals sprint only short distances before they must stop to catch their breath and let their bodies cool down. We didn’t.

Could primitive man build rafts as suggested in this story?

Yes, absolutely. They possessed the brainpower, and the required tools were available at the time. Because these rafts must have been made of wood and vines—-materials that don’t preserve over time—no artifacts remain to prove this. Anthropologists speculate this earliest raft was more of a floating platform made from bamboo and tied together with vine. Scientists tested this hypothesis by building rafts using the prehistoric techniques Xhosa employed to cross the Straits of Gibraltar and then sailing the raft through Indonesia as the ancient people might have done.

Thank you, Jacqui. I wish you much success with this book and with all of your writing endeavors.

Available digitally (print soon) at:
Kindle US   Kindle UK   Kindle CA   Kindle AU

Visit Jacqui’s Amazon Author page here.

28 thoughts on “Blog Tour: Against All Odds by Jacqui Murray

  1. WOW. This is the third or fourth interview I’ve read about Jacqui and her newest book, and I’ll tell you, I learn something new in every one. Kudos to you, Jennifer, for highlighting Jacqui’s amazing, well-researched newest novel in her prehistoric series. I know that birds have an extensive language, but I never thought of the fact that our ancestors long long ago learned to imitate it to communicate with each other. In some ways, our pre-historic ancestors were so much smarter than we are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jacqui does a lot of valuable research for her books, Pam, and it shows in the finished product. It was pretty amazing how early man adapted to his environment and how he evolved. I was thinking how humanity has evolved more recently and I don’t see it. In some ways I believe we have actually devolved! Or maybe I’ve been paying too much attention to politics lately.
      Thanks for dropping in with your lovely comment. 🙂


    1. My husband thought it interesting too. On another blog in Jacqui’s tour, there was a question about how early man would squat instead of sit. The reason for that was to be able to stand and flee faster if the need arose.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. A great interview Jennifer! I found the book and am going to enjoy this read. What I find most interesting is the amount of research that Jacqui completed for this novel, which you brought out in this post. Thank you for the introduction and for creating a space where I always learn something new every time I stop by…. Jacqui – all the very best. I am grateful for writers – they tell our stories and help us remember that we are part of a greater narrative that spans time and location.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the Q and A, Rebecca, and I’m thrilled you picked up the book. Jacqui researches her topic so well you can’t help but be impressed! I’m grateful for writers too and can’t imagine a world without them.
      Thank you for your eloquent comment. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

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