My Eighth Year in the Blogosphere

Dear WordPress bloggers, fellow writers, followers and friends,

December 31, 2018 marked my seven-year blogging anniversary.

Yikes! I’m into the eighth year! Who knew that when I published my first post, Follow the Yellow Brick Road on New Year’s Eve of 2011, my blog would still be active in 2019? I genuinely hope I’m not wearing out my welcome here and that you continue to let me into your in-boxes, your readers, and your lives for my brief visits once or twice a week. 🙂

I’m not one to get hung up on blog statistics, as I value quality of interaction over quantity any day, but I’d like to share a few highlights from my 70 posts of 2018.
I’ve set aside statistics on my About Me and Author Page  to concentrate on regular posts.

The three most-liked posts of last year:

Beach Love
When your address is Sandy Beach Avenue and you live near one of the longest beaches in the province, posts like these are bound to show up regularly. These photos taken at Lumsden North Beach grabbed the most likes of 2018.

Winter Morning Haiku
Summery beaches didn’t get all the love.
A haiku poem with one of my best-loved winter photos,
taken from my back yard.

Book Review – Encounters: Relationships in Conflict by Fred Rohn
So happy to see the traffic this one generated.
I loved this book and I love my book friends.
Rest in peace, Mr. Rohn.

The three most-commented:

Kids with coffee filters.
How could one possibly resist a click?

Morning Coffee
(Again with coffee?)
No surprise – this beverage is a vital part of the day for many of us.
Even some of you who prefer tea were moved to give your two cents worth!

Blog Hop: Born in a Treacherous Time by Jacqui Murray
Once again, I’m delighted to share news from my author colleagues.
I loved this book of the prehistoric fiction genre.
So much so, it got me reading the Earth’s Children series by Jean M. Auel.
I look forward to Murray’s next novel in her Man vs. Nature saga.


2018 was a special year all around, but it didn’t exceed previous records set by my blog.
January 18, 2016 still holds the favored position as the day that generated the most views thus far, when I introduced the ever-popular Newfoundland and Labrador page…

Newtown, Newfoundland
…and the individual post that has scored the most views to date under that Newfoundland banner is Berg Watching, originally shared on June 2, 2015.
Springtime in Iceberg Alley at its beautiful best.

Iceberg Alley

The Sunday Snap series has gained in popularity since its inception in August 2017, and my new addition for 2018, Friday Fiction, has met with positive reviews as well.

Many thanks to everyone who visits my blog. However long I continue, I appreciate all the follows, likes, comments, and shares. Love to you all, and blog on!

Sincerely yours,

P.S. to bloggers: Have a favourite post from your own blog I may have missed or you’d like to highlight? Don’t be shy – share a link with me in the comments below. 🙂

blog icon information internet
Photo by Pixabay on

30 thoughts on “My Eighth Year in the Blogosphere

  1. Congratulations, Jennifer on this milestone! It is amazing how time flies and blogging is one way to measure the years passing! 😀I’m entering my fifth year on WP and still loving it! Look forward to checking out some of the posts you’ve noted for us. Have a brilliant eighth year … enjoy and can’t wait to see your posts! 😀🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Starting your fifth year is no small feat either – well done. We must be enjoying it or we wouldn’t keep showing up like we do, right?
      Glad to see you back and well again, by the way. I’m suffering from a bout of sinus infection that keeps dragging on!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Jennifer! I’m late to this post, but I always have my eye out for yours! I’m looking forward to more! Stay warm up there! 13 degrees here – currently under a blanket but, though it’s my day off, I must go out, so I’m building up my core temperature to do that! 🙂 Happy writing, reading and blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 30 to 40 centimetres on the way here, Barbara! Everything is closing down. But that means nothing to distract me from writing. The winds forecast aren’t too bad so I don’t anticipate losing power. Thanks so much for the well wishes. 😊❤️👍🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Many congratulations Jennifer, doesn’t the time fly? I got a notification this month to say it was 6 years for me so I’m slightly lagging behind, but it still feels as though it’s passed really quickly!


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