Morning Coffee

morning coffeeNow that summer is drawing to a close and I’m back to work on my manuscript, coffee has once again become more vital to my daily routine. Yes, writers and their coffee is a cliché but with good reason. Many of us can’t live without it!

Straight up black is the way I drink it, preferably served in my favourite mug. I love the wide lip and pretty colours on this hand-painted beauty.

My writing brain works best in the early morning, so while I wait sleepy-eyed for the coffee to brew, I picture a caffeine-craving miniature version of myself swimming across the surface of a full cuppa java, gulping as I go.  Mmmmm…

What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup.
– Henry Rollins

Do you love coffee as much as I do?
Black or with sugar and cream?
Or is tea your go-to hot beverage?
Please share with me below!

41 thoughts on “Morning Coffee

  1. Black coffee for me! Unless I’m at a place I know makes a good mocha (that place is not my kitchen :)). I used to add sugar to coffee but I eventually realized that was only because the place I used to work provided especially bitter coffee (but hey, free coffee). The way I make it at home, I like it black. And yeah, that first cup is great. I’m currently a stay-at-home-mom and it’s absolutely worth getting up freaky early just to have that first cup all by myself. 🙂

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  2. I’m not going to lie I love my husband but I may love coffee more!! Sshhh don’t tell him! Honestly I could probably use more plain water, but coffee flavored water is my go to. There is nothing like that first sip of the day.

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  3. That’s a beautiful cup. Jennifer. I can’t tolerate coffee (darn – it helps so many people). So I start with a cup of green tea with lemon at 5:45 a.m. with a bit of meditation to get me going in my creative day. By 6:30 my guy brings me a special tea latte (Earl Gray tea seeped in non-fat steamed milk with a touch of vanilla), which really does help me as I write away. From there I go with a large glass of iced tea. Hmmm, tea seems to be the theme here, and they say tea has as much caffeine as coffee. So – here’s to all of us WAKING up in the morn and writing happily.

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    1. Pam, I didn’t mean to imply that I only drank coffee, just that was my drink for morning. Tea is wonderful in the pm for me, green tea being my favourite. I like Chai too but can’t drink Earl Gray due to the bergamot. Makes me disoriented, go figure, but I looked it up and it is a thing. Yes, whatever gets us out of bed and let’s the creative juices flow. Thanks for your input! 😊

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      1. Oh NOOO! I’m disoriented a lot in the mornings (as in, what am I doing, what’s on my ‘to-do’ list, and why haven’t I written that book yet), and I have an Earl Gray latte every morning. Maybe I better re-consider this. I’m (kinda) being funny, but no, I hadn’t heard about this reaction to bergamot. Interesting. Stay with your green tea – I’m drinking an iced green tea right now. xo

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  4. I didn’t start drinking coffee until I was about 30. Had to force myself to learn to drink it because it was a bit acidic for me. But my husband LOVES coffee, so I did it to be sociable with him. (Oh, the sacrifices we make! LOL) But I don’t drink coffee while writing. Just one well-doctored cup in the morning.

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    1. Hi Connie, I remember as a child tasting my dad’s coffee and wondering how anyone could drink it! The funny thing about me was that I took up coffee when I quit smoking the first time back in the 80’s (it took a couple of attempts to beat it).
      l have two to three cups while writing. 🙂
      Well-doctored with – ??


      1. I hate to admit I “doctor” my coffee with skim milk and Splenda. That sounds so boring! Agh! Far, far better to drink several cups of coffee a day, Jennifer, than smoke cigarettes. Good for you!

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  5. I’m an occasional coffee-drinker, but I have to say, that coffee you have there looks very tempting! My grandmother always had a pot brewing. I mostly drink tea and lemonade, though, either hot or cold. Coffee or tea, it’s whatever gets you moving!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Barbara, I don’t drink enough lemonade, which I love. I don’t think either of my grandmothers ever drank coffee. My tea of choice is green tea with lemon and I usually enjoy that later in the day. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


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