Forever in my Heart

My dad in his younger days. Always missed and forever in my heart.

 “That’s my father.”  … Seemingly an innocent and offhand remark made by the youngest of his three children, those three little words meant much more to our dad. I know it made him feel proud and happy to be that father, that figure of authority and loving protector of his family.
It was a responsibility he took seriously, a role that only he could execute with his unique brand of friendship, understanding and humour…” 

~ excerpt from That’s My Father, 03/21/13

I’m thinking of relatives and friends who lost their fathers very recently.
My heart goes out to them today.

   Wishing all the wonderful dads
a Happy Father’s Day
❤ ❤ ❤

28 thoughts on “Forever in my Heart

  1. A beautiful post, Jennifer. I always experience a welling of emotion when I see pictures of people when they were young, knowing they are gone now. It reminds me how special this time and these relationships are. ❤

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    1. I’m sorry for your loss, Carrie. I hope your mom is doing better and isn’t too lonely without him. After my dad passed, Mom was never the same, and her grief may have even hurried her into Alzheimer’s, if such a thing can happen. Hugs. ❤


    1. Indeed, Annika. These special days like Mother’s and Father’s Day are often painful reminders of our losses, and especially difficult if the loss was premature and/or recent.
      By the way, that is an excerpt from my blog five years ago, not from one of my books. 🙂

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