All She Knows For Sure

The north wind rages,
thick curtains of snow swirl outside
and darkness sets in –
yet another spring blizzard
close on the heels of another.

The sound of it
as it rattles thin panes
in old windows
and the deep isolation
weighs heavy on her spirit.

He puts on soft music
from 1977 and
pours her a glass of wine
to drown out the world
beyond this room.

Sitting beside her,
he begins the footrub
she’d asked for earlier
and they’d both forgotten about
until now.
She closes her eyes.

The music swells
in the warmth of this cocoon.

And all of a sudden
he is her young, dark-haired man again,
the one who had captured her heart
more than twenty years ago.
She smiles.

Is it the way he tends to her,
the way his eyes meet hers?
Or is it the wine, and
the song he knows she loves?

Or could it be
their history together,
a combination of all these things
that transcends
and zooms her back
to that magical fall of ’94?

She doesn’t know.
All she knows for sure
is this:
she never wants this moment to end.

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