A Title For My Sequel


My Young Adult novel is working through the various steps to reach the Release Date finish line.

The main edits are completed. The cover art is done and approved. My manuscript is now in the hands of Managing Editorial for copy-editing, layout, and proofing. After that it will head to typesetting. So much goes into the creation of a book!

In between the days I watch and wait for these steps and the days I work on edits to my second book of the series, I’ve been racking my brain, trying to come up with a title for the second book.

No, Calmer Girls Two does not appeal. Either does Calmer Girls – the Sequel. I like a book title that has a double meaning – like Calmer Girls – or a title that borrows a phrase or a line from another work. That could even include inspiration from a line in a song, a poem, or a nursery rhyme. Think: Along Came a Spider, or Norwegian Wood. I also like titles that are taken from a line or quote inside the book, as many authors have done. Think: To Kill A Mockingbird, or The Silence of the Lambs.

There is advice out there now that suggests you should name your book while keeping in mind keywords, SEO, categories and literary genres, all a part of improving its visibility in the digital marketplace.

As much as I still prefer reading Print books as opposed to eBooks, I know I am writing for a largely younger group of readers who love their eReaders and almost exclusively read all their books that way. Keeping that in mind will be beneficial for the upcoming marketing stage as well.

In my research surfing, I happened upon a wonderful post by author Anne R. Allen that may help me find a title. If you’re a writer, you may find it helpful as well. Check it out below:

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Book Title in the E-Age
by Anne R. Allen

For Writers:  How do you title your books? Any tricks of the trade to share? 

For Readers:  What are some of your favourite book titles?
Have you ever bought a book because you loved its title?

Please share in the comments section below!

18 thoughts on “A Title For My Sequel

  1. I just know you’ll pick the perfect title Jennifer. Many titles have caught my attention in the past. Jesus CEO, Change or Die and First, Break All the Rules to name a few. You’re editing your second book Jennifer? You’ve already written it? You’re amazing! ❤
    Diana xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just doing what I always wanted to do, Diana. And whether I succeed or fail or land somewhere in between, at least I will know I tried.
      Those are intriguing titles. A good title can make a book go a long way, though the book itself needs to be good too! Thanks, Diana. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reaching this stage Itself is worth writing home about, not to speak of grand finale when publication hits the market. Congrats for now, and for the finale to follow, accompanied by best wishes for many more such offerings.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Titles can be easy or difficult for me, so I end up asking my family for advice. They usually brainstorm a good one. The title for Eating Bull came from my husband, and once someone reads the book, they’ll understand why it’s a good fit.

    Congrats on how things are progressing. Good for you! It’s such an exciting process, isn’t it? Even though it requires a load of patience.

    Thanks for the link. I’ll go check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you find the article useful, Carrie.

      Thanks again for the congrats. Yes, it is exciting, and though I’m not the most patient soul, I’m riding this wave and enjoying every second. (and I’m still pinching myself regularly. 🙂 )


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