A Little Time Away


Just a quick note tonight, friends, to let you know I will be away for two weeks starting this weekend.

I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to blog before I come home again, but I do know I will enjoy this break to renew and refresh, soak up some summer fun around the province, and look for new inspiration.

I finally received my editor’s developmental review of my manuscript this past week, and am pleased to say most of the changes are not actual changes, but additions to what I have, so my laptop will go with me.

But you know what? That isn’t work because, to me, it is a labour of love.

Take care, and see you in a couple of weeks! 🙂

– Jennifer ❤

22 thoughts on “A Little Time Away

  1. Congrats on your manuscript! I’m officially on vacation myself, but will still be reading my favorite blogs when I can. Going to focus on nothing but rhythmic waves in my mind and try to find some inspiration as well. Hope you have a wonderful break!

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    1. Thanks, Kelly. I may not blog or read many other blogs because I need to focus on my manuscript, plus I really do need a break from social media. Also need to focus on other things while on vacay. It’s all about balance. 🙂
      You enjoy your vacay too! xo

      Liked by 1 person

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