Writing, writing, and more writing? Write on!


Hi, everyone. I thought I’d pass along a quick update today about my novel and what has happened lately in my life as an author.

I am encouraged by the reception Calmer Girls has gotten in the publishing world. In particular, I am now patiently waiting on those who have expressed interest in my query, synopsis and sample chapters, and who subsequently requested the full manuscript for review. (Yay!)

Of course, my optimism is tempered with caution and awareness of the reality that these are only first steps. The road to getting traditionally published is a long, slow and arduous one for many new authors, and I am no exception. I read yesterday of a successful novelist who endured TWENTY-NINE rejections before his first book was picked up. And it ultimately made it to the New York Times best-seller list!

So now while my manuscript is out of my hands, I continue on with the sequel. In that area I have made progress, but not as much as I would like due to life getting in the way (Funny how that always seems to happen!).

designed by Elizabeth Doyle
designed by Elizabeth Doyle

For this reason, I am considering taking part in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo as it is called. This is a yearly internet event that takes place in November, not only nationally but all over the world. The object is to write 50,000 words of a first draft in 30 days, which means participants write an average of 1667 words a day.

Awesome? Terrifying? Doable? Impossible? You tell me.

Will this be you?
…or this?

If I do indeed sign up, some of my activities will no doubt have to be curtailed or relegated to the back burner. My Friday Bouquet will be suspended for the time being, and my other blog posts will be brief. I won’t be able to read others’ blogs as much as I am used to. But I shall return, my lovelies!

What do you think of such a project? Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo this year? If you are, tell me all about it below. We can give each other moral support. 🙂

Explore Further:
One Wild Word: Get ready for NaNoWriMo by choosing your novel’s story question

Kristen Lamb’s Blog: 8 Elements to NAILING Your Plot and Owning NaNo


55 thoughts on “Writing, writing, and more writing? Write on!

  1. Nothing to lose Jennifer. Time perhaps and effort but I really do think it s worthwhile. I am not able to do it this year but I would if I could. It is like a publisher deadline, really does focus you and I think it hones your skills and there’s the sense of wanting to get it right and to at least do 50,000 which of course is a completed book. Go for it. I wish you all the best. 🙂


  2. Thanks for your kind wishes. I am over the moon. I have done NaNo twice and both times exceeded the word count. It is a good way to focus and write to a timetable. No chance to mess about if you are serious. Good luck with it and with getting published. I am sure it won’t be long. Wishing you all the best. Jane

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jane. You are a true blue writer, if you had such success with NaNo, not once but twice.
      I still am wondering if I will do anything with it. As it looms closer, my doubts are looming as well, to be honest. But I am going to give it a good try.


  3. I am very excited for you, Jennifer. I’ve got all my fingers crossed. I still remember the excitement when I got that ‘I want to represent you call’ (as well as the horror when it all fell apart). Life doesn’t get much better than that.


  4. Wow, Jennifer, your update is super exciting. May you get an agent and publisher who fall madly in love with your manuscript and go to the ends of the earth for you and your work. Go, Jennifer, go.

    I’m considering doing NaNoWriMo. If I do join, I’ll let you know by commenting here again.

    Blessings on your writing and publishing journey ~ Wendy ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is exciting, but I am well aware rejections are still possible. But continuing with my writing is the answer. Who knows if I might have to wait to be published after the third novel, and then the others are published once I am known? I’ve heard of that happening with some authors.
      But I love your supposition much better! 🙂
      Yes, please let me know if you join. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jennifer, I joined NaNoWriMo this morning. I had an idea for a prequel to the mystery novel I’ve now started querying. Thought I should keep myself busy writing, since it’s such a great stress reliever. I’m going to set the sequel aside while I focus on writing a 50,000 prequel…yikes! Blessings on your month of writing. xo


          1. Jennifer, I got to 2026 since I have a cold and I’m resting. It’s easy to write when hubby cooks supper… I’ve locked the editor from my brain out of the room, and only my muse is allowed in. My writing is definitely a rough draft. This is fun so far.

            I’ve never done NaNoWriMo before–have you? I’d love to have you for a writing buddy. xo


  5. One of the most important things about writing is to be determined and never give up. So many people have stories of multiple rejections before they get that break and it’s really good to hear it when all this effort finally pays off.
    I watch other bloggers go through NaNoWriMo every year, but I’ve never tried it myself. I’m not that organised and my time-management skills are appalling! 😉


    1. Determination is absolutely a HUGE component of writing. You can’t let the rejections get to you, because sometimes it isn’t that there is anything wrong with your work, it just doesn’t fit with what they usually seek to publish. It is a highly subjective business.
      As for organizational skills, I could do a lot better. I hope NaNoWriMo drives me to tackle it all head on.
      Thanks for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hei Jennifer, all the best to you on the NaNoWriMo this year ✍(◔◡◔). I’m one of those ‘i never finish anyth’. Oh my, 1667 words a day…that’s too many words for a ‘cat’. I spend too much time on my naps ≧◠ᴥ◠≦. I live in this part of the world where English is not our main language but I’m working on improving my English though. Blessings ٩(˘◡˘)۶


  7. Jennifer I have no doubts at all that you will find your Publishing family and you are doing the right thing by just letting go of it and starting the next one. I also know you would give the NaNoWriMo challenge everything you have. For me someone still out on the edges of picture book world looking in ( just purchased Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s
    Market book) I remind myself that I can do this as I did finish NaNoWriMo with days to spare. I wish you every success. It is the one challenge that helped me realise I want to be a writer until the end of my time. I am slowly going through an editing course with my draft from Nano. I won’t participate this year but recommend it at least once to every one who has a passion to write stories. Keep us updated on the book and your November challenge.


    1. Kath, I remember you taking part last year, or was it the year before? A worthwhile challenge for you, with days left over. 🙂 Any tips you could share with me, if I get discouraged?
      How is the editing going now? Do you think it helps to have the course?
      Thanks for the vote of confidence! I will definitely keep you updated. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jennifer I definitely got my monies worth out of the book by their fearless leader No Plot, No Problem. I aimed for 2,500 a day and some days went over that but it tallies quickly when you are 5,000 up every two days. Just keep pushing over your benchmark. Also find a buddy that is a real gun at clocking up those words I found watching my buddy go higher and higher put a fire under my seat and I wanted to keep up with her. I know many who are doing it from the Tribe writers group but you can go into your genre when you sign up and pick out people you think you might like to keep score and encourage each other. Most of all just keep going everyday. have fun


    1. I have heard great things as well. One blogger said this will be her fourth time participating and she swears by it as a way to develop discipline, plus it has improved her plotting skills.

      Who knows; I might fail miserably trying to write that much in one month, or hate what I have written, but I thought it might be worth a try. 🙂


  8. The querying process can be long indeed, and you’re smart to jump right into your next project. Good luck with NaNo. I don’t participate in it–November is one of my busiest months. If they did it in January, I might consider it, but I always have conferences in November not to mention the Thanksgiving holiday and the travel time that requires.

    Best of luck with your queries!


    1. That is understandable if your schedule is too busy, Carrie. I have the time to commit to it, but it will still require a ton of discipline to get all those words down, and to consider it passable for a first draft.

      Thanks for the best wishes. I appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m participating again this year. I’m hoping this go-around turns about better than last year. Good luck!


    1. Good luck to you too! What did you learn from taking part before? What kept you from doing well? This is my first time, and I’ve heard some success stories, but I wonder how I will handle it. Only one way to find out…


      1. Life, as much as it’s an excuse, it really does get in the way. Especially November. There always seems to be gatherings, holidays, shopping for Christmas, house projects…. I’m hoping to focus more this time and making sure I sit down daily to write. Even if it’s not the 1667 words. We have a gathering we’re hosting early November and are having friends over around Thanksgiving as well, so it will definitely be a challenge. Good luck to you!


        1. I agree; November is a busy time for many of us. I have a couple of road trips coming up with my husband’s work that may interfere, but there is always nighttime to write. We’ll see how it goes. 🙂


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