My Girl ♥

my girl and me
mother’s day weekend 2013

Today, June 14th,

is my girl’s birthday.

Since the first moment I held her

and gazed into her eyes

when I was just eighteen,

she’s been as constant in my life as the stars.

I wonder if she realizes

how much she has enriched my life,

how proud I am of her and

how happy I am to be her mom, because

she is more than a daughter to me.

She is my friend.

  Happy Birthday,

 **  Denise  **

“A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” ~ Laurel Atherton

33 thoughts on “My Girl ♥

  1. Hope your daughter had a lovely day and with words like this how could she not. Beautiful tribute to the best of mother and daughter relationships and what they bring to enrich our lives


      1. I love it! I think it’s changed a few times, has it? Always scared to comment because I follow so many blogs I’m not always sure! Orange is bold, extroverted and social, so yes, it suits you!


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